Illustration of a person on front steps of their house putting shoes on in preparation for a hike as the inside of shoes next to him are on fire

Help your patients step into life again

The HFX* Solution is proven to manage shooting, burning, pins and needles pain associated with diabetic neuropathy.

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Introducing HFX for PDN. Finally, a nonpharmacologic approved to treat painful diabetic neuropathy.

86% of patients have substantial, durable pain relief1

77% average pain relief at 12-months1

92% of patients were satisfied with their treatment2

What an endocrinologist has to say about HFX for PDN

Finally, there’s a treatment option for PDN patients refractory to conventional medical management (CMM).

SCS is a well-established approach to managing chronic pain

The HFX Solution uses 10 kHz Therapy to activate inhibitory neurons in the dorsal horn, calming abnormal pain signals to the brain.


85% of patients receiving 10kHz Therapy achieved more than 50% pain relief vs CMM2

Download Jama Study

12-month results show substantial, replicable pain relief

Download Diabetes Care Study

68% of patients demonstrated neurologic improvements1

Such as motor strength, reflexes, or sensory function.

Proven safe and effective for patients with diabetes1

At 12 months, 8 of 152 patients receiving 10 kHz therapy (5.2%) experienced infections.

Frequently asked questions

How do my patients access SCS?
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HFX is covered under private health insurance. The level and waiting periods may vary depending on the provider, so we recommend you speak with your healthcare professional or a pain specialist to first determine if HFX is right for you.

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Learn more about HFX for PDN by speaking with one of our representatives

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